Thursday, July 14, 2011


So, I updated my profile tonight.  It's passed midnight now so I hope I didn't totally flub it up.  But I do know that I missed typing tons of music and movies I like.  For now, what I have will need to be good enough to help you figure out what type of person I am.

Today was a very long day.  After getting myself up and ready I woke my son up, made and ate breakfast, played games with him, played a few games online, made and ate lunch and played more games (toys) with the little one.  Although you may think it's great with fun and games all day with a 2 year old, it wasn't.  There was also plenty of time devoted to things such as keeping him from getting into the food closet, pulling him off the dining table each of the 5-10 times he climbed on top of it, keeping him out of the dvd's, cleaning up the dvd's, teaching him that it's not nice to hit and pinch, keeping his screaming down to a minimum so daddy could sleep, keeping him away from the tv, etc.  The list goes on and on as I'm sure some have experienced for themselves!  Don't get me wrong, I love my little boy, but he is definitely a handful at times.

Tonight, after we read a story with the kiddo and said prayer, I sat in the rocker in his dark bedroom,  holding him close and whispering with him.  He doesn't talk in sentences yet or put many words together but he will say one word at a time in sequence so we know exactly what he's trying to say such as: Car. Key. Go.  This means we need the key to start the car so we can go.  It's always the best time of the day and most rewarding to sit in his room with him, just holding him close and having these sweet little moments.  It makes the rest of the day worth it.

It is now 1 o'clock am, The Quiet Man is playing in the dvd player so I will be off to possibly watch a little bit of it until I fall asleep.  Goodnight!


  1. Definitely children are just a lot of fun. I have a lot of baby cousins and being a godfather for one of them. Children can definitely be a handful, but watching your own child talk for the first time or read a book on his or her own is just a good moment for both the mom and dad. I hope I can experience the same thing one day.

  2. I just read your profile and the word etsy sounded so familiar to me. When I read it was related to jewelry, I knew why it sounded so familiar. My friend buys, collects, and makes her own jewelry and I remembered many of my girl friends bought some back then.

    When you said you had a blog, it reminded me of my own blog which I haven't touched in like forever. I did have two posting on it though. Maybe I should continue finish what I started.
